Personal Life Coaching

You don’t have to live the rest of your life stuck in a life you hate.

Personal Life Coaching

Are you looking for a more fulfilled life? Do you wake up in the morning thinking, there must be something more than this?

We hear you! You don’t have to live the rest of your life stuck in a life you hate. Trapped in an unsatisfying job. Locked in a pattern of failed relationships. Helplessly caught in a yo-yo dieting cycle that never results in permanent weight loss. You can wake up every morning feeling optimistic.

At CRC Life Coach, your personal life coach will help you find a path forward that works for you. Whether you come to us with a vision of what the life you want looks like. Or you can’t imagine a better future but you know you can’t keep going the way things are.


Although there are many approaches and many different faces that coaching can take on, from group coaching to business conferences to seminars, the basics of coaching has always been, and always will be one on one coaching. That is one person approaching and communicating directly and solely to another person in a friendly, confidential atmosphere. One-on-One Life Coaching is a relationship. And it’s a relationship we take seriously. At it’s best, it’s two people, coach and client (also known as the coachee), engaging in an intimate conversation, one drawing out the other in a gentle yet intentional way to discover the answers that already exist within the coachee.

Working with your personal life coach, you’ll learn to:
You can reach goals you never dreamed were possible!

Our personal life coaching for both men and women uses tools like the Enneagram and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to help you uncover behaviors and thought patterns, empowering you to take control of your life.

Relinquish what’s not working for you. Find what does.

Don’t wait to start living your life on your terms. Sign up for your FREE 30-minute personal life coach consultation today.